Have you tried so many ways to budget your money – using methods like the envelope technique or getting a separate bank account for your savings and yet, it’s still not working?
You would want to ask yourself why this is the case. Many people don’t have much success in budgeting because they have a negative perception of it. To them, budgeting is akin to not having fun and that is not true at all. Here are the things that you can do to make sure you can stick to your budget:
Make your budget flexible.
Don’t be too strict in your budget. Be reasonable and flexible.
Your budget should accommodate your monthly needs. If one month entails more
spending, go ahead and change your budget to suit that need. For instance, you
can allot more money during November and December because these months
typically warrant more spending. You just have to be responsible about how much
you are spending.
Change your lifestyle first.
If you don’t make changes in your lifestyle and
spending habits, you are bound to fail in budgeting. If your lifestyle is still
going out every weekend or doing retail therapy whenever you feel down, you
will surely not make budgeting work for you.
Get an accountability partner.
Find an accountability partner who will help you stay
on track with your goals.
Financial planning in Vancouver starts with proper
budgeting. If you don’t tell your money where to go, you will always spend your
time wondering where all of it went. Find an expert in financial
planning in Vancouver such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD to help you
learn how to budget.
Luis Stevenson is the author of this article. To know
more about Portfolio
Manager Vancouver Please visit our website: chaltenadvisors.com