Thursday, September 2, 2021

3 Financial Planning Mistakes People Make That You Should Avoid Doing

Most of us don’t have an inkling on how to do financial planning in Vancouver. Many of us have to learn it from scratch because it wasn’t taught to us in school or at home. But there is always room for improvement. With the help of books and articles online, you should be able to find your footing when it comes to financial planning in Vancouver.

But when doing financial planning, be sure to avoid making the following crucial mistakes: 

1. Not saving up for an emergency fund. 

Don’t start investing or saving money for a home without building an emergency fund first. Your emergency fund should be equivalent to at least six months’ worth of your salary. Build it until you are comfortable with the amount of money you have stashed for emergency situations. 

2. Not having a budget. 

Your financial planning will fail if you don’t have a budget. Budgeting helps you figure out how to spend your money wisely. It helps you tell your money where to go. 

3. Not consulting experts.

It’s a good idea to consult experts in financial planning such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors to get a better idea of where you are financially and what you can do to improve your circumstances. If you are feeling overwhelmed and you don’t know where to start taking control of your finances, you should get the help of financial experts instead. 

Your financial plan should be tailored to your specific needs. Don’t pattern it to others because that might not work the same way for you. 

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