Saturday, September 24, 2016

Financial Advices for Women Who Are Going Through Divorce

Going through a divorce is never easy. It is not only emotionally, physically and mentally draining, it also affects your financial health. This is true especially for women who have opted to stay at home to take care of the kids and have relied on their husbands for financial support in the past years.
These are the following financial advices you need to take to secure you and your kids’ future:
  1. Do separate from joint accounts right away.
Got a joint bank account? Separate your money right away. What about a joint credit card? Call the bank and let them know you are going through divorce. This way, you can prevent the other party from using up your account’s credit limit and letting you pay for half of it, which really happens in real life.
  1. Get professional help.
When it comes to Financial planning services in Vancouver, the best possible action for you is to get professional advice. Hire financial advisors such as Chalten Advisors. It’s a chaotic time in your life so it can be difficult to handle your financial affairs with a clear mind. A financial advisor can offer you the best advice on how you can pay off debts, live on your current means and how to invest your existing money to make profit.
Also get legal help. You would want to get as much financial support as you can to help you get back on track. Legal help can also stop you from signing documents that might put you at a disadvantage.
  1. Start listing down your daily expenditures.
If you are not doing this yet while married, it’s time to do it now that you are divorced. You would want to know where your money goes so you can control your expenses and make the right spending moves.
You can get through this with help from Financial advisors at Chalten Fee-Only Advisors. Don’t hesitate to look for the best financial advisors to help you out with your financial planning post-divorce.


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