Thursday, February 23, 2017

4 Ways Credit Card Spending is Bad For You

You have probably heard of some people falling into deep credit card debts. These people have ruined their lives because they relied so much on their credit card to buy things they can’t afford when paying it with cash.
Before you become another victim of bankruptcy due to credit card debts, recognize the ways credit card spending is bad for you:
    1. Credit card doesn’t mitigate your spending.
It makes you think you have power on your hands. Even if you don’t have enough cash to pay for it, you can acquire the things you want and pay for it later, thanks to that small plastic on your hand.
    2. Credit cards loses the value of your future income.
You haven’t even received your next pay day money but you have already spent it.
    3. Credit cards causes you to spend more money.
You are basically not just paying for the costs of your goods but also the interest it accrues. The longer the debt sits, the more interest you are accumulating.
    4. Credit cards are stressful.
It haunts you in your sleep. When the next statement of account arrives, you feel stressed out and unable to face reality.
The thing about credit cards is that they are helpful if you know how to use them. If you use them only for specific things such as buying necessities like groceries and not for things that you want on a whim, you can avoid getting in a deep debt.
If you have credit card debts you need to pay off but you are having a hard time doing so, seeking the help of a best financial advisor in Vancouver such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors can help. Financial advisors in Vancouver BC can help you determine ways on how to curtail spending and invest existing money to help pay off debts.
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