Saturday, April 29, 2017

How to Finally Afford a House

A house is one of the most expensive things you will buy in your life time. It’s also a great achievement that can secure your future. Instead of wasting money on rent, spend it on your own house instead. Here are some tips on how you can finally afford a house:
  1. Save money on your down payment.
While you can get a mortgage, you still need to pay some money for down payment. This will be an out-of-pocket expenditure you need to prepare for. Start consulting with a financial advisor in Vancouver such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors to determine the money leaks in your life that is the reason why you are not saving as much. If you know how to plug these money leaks, you can save faster for your down payment.
  1. Improve your credit score.
Another area where your financial advisor in Vancouver can be of help is in improving your credit score. Lending companies will look at your credit score to determine your ability to pay for a house. If you have a poor credit score, you might not be able to get a mortgage or be able to get the mortgage terms you want.
  1. Buy smart.
Don’t buy more than you can afford and more than you need. Also look into buying a house for future investments. Buy a house with a good re-sale value.
With these tips and with careful financial planning, you should be able to buy the house of your dreams and not be stressed-out with paying for your mortgage.
For more details about Fee only financial planner please visit our website:


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