Thursday, December 26, 2019

Financial Planning Does More Than Just Sort Out Your Finances

We like to think money is just confined within the financial aspect of our life – locked away from our more important issues like health or family. But the truth is, our finances are deep-rooted and is a fundamental part of who we are as a person.

When you are stressed out over your finances, it affects your physical and mental health. Many people acquire illnesses due to the stress of worrying about their finances all the time.

The state of your finances can also affect your relationship with other people. When you worry about your finances a lot, it can affect the way you handle your relationships. Some of your stress might even bleed in your relationships, causing you to lose people you care about.

So you see, if you want to achieve total happiness, you need to have better control over your finances. Start doing financial planning in Vancouver. If you want to attain total financial freedom or you want to reduce your financial burdens, you should create a concrete financial plan that will help ease up some of your worries.

When it comes to financial planning in Vancouver, get the help of experts like Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD. Start your financial planning in Vancouver as soon as you can. By simply taking that first proactive steps in financial planning, you can reduce most of your emotional baggage.

Carry out your plan and stick to it until you have reached your goals. That is how you can have full control over the other aspects of your life.

For more details About Chalten Fee-Only Advisors Ltd. Please visit our website:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

3 Strategies to Set Aside More Savings

It has been drilled to us since we were young that saving money for rainy days is important. If you don’t save, you won’t have enough money to tide you over when things get rough. But saving shouldn’t just be delegated for rainy days. You should also save to gain more experienced, get more education or buy the things you want.

The problem is that many of us live with a salary that doesn’t really leave much room for savings. But try the following tips to set aside more savings:

1. Pay yourself first.

It is more difficult to save if you put saving last. You should pay yourself first. Allot a percentage of your income and automatically put it in a savings account where you won’t be able to see it or touch it. That way, you are saving without feeling like you are depriving yourself. It also forces you to set aside some money rather than just making it an option.

2. Make your savings grow.

Don’t just let it sit in the bank. Use it for your investments at Investment Firm in Vancouver. Save the money you earned from your investments and put them again in your investments. That is how you grow your wealth.

3. Put your savings on investments.

Pay investments like VULs or mutual funds. They will grow without you noticing it. Let them sit while you put some of your money on them every month and eventually, you will have saved enough for retirement.

If you need more help learning how to save more money, you can check out the services of Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

3 Budgeting Tips That Will Not Make You Feel Like You Are On A Tight Budget

If you’ve ever tried budgeting in the past, you probably know how restricting it can be. It can occasionally feel like you are depriving yourself. But you don’t have to treat budgeting as that monumental obstacle you have to conquer. You can treat it as a new way of life. 

Try doing these tips: 

1. Cook more at home and be savvy with your leftovers. 

One way to save more money and stick to your budget is to avoid eating out. Many people spend hundreds of dollars every month in restaurant meals and take away. Avoid stopping by at your favorite cafĂ© as well. You can cook and make your coffee at home. Don’t throw that leftover as well. You might be able to make a new recipe with leftovers. You can still whip yourself up a great meal, even have a steak night or two, if you just cook it yourself. 

2. Find cost-free ways to entertain yourself. 

You don’t have to be stuck at home all the time just to save money. There are plenty of activities you can do that won’t require spending a lot of money. You can go to a park, lake or beach. Pack your snacks and meals. 

3. Give yourself an allowance to spend on anything you like. 

Leave some room in your budget for your “wants”. You can use it at the end of the month to reward yourself for your hard work in sticking to your budget. 

Financial planning in Vancouver might not be the most exciting thing in the world. But if you do it right, you will reap long-term rewards. If you need help with financial planning in Vancouver, you can always rely on experts from Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD. 

To know more about Chalten Fee-Only Advisors in Vancouver Please visit our website:

Monday, September 23, 2019

It’s Not Too Late to Change Your Finances – 3 Things You Can Do to Reverse Your Finances

Don’t have enough savings yet in the bank? Haven’t started investing yet? Do you have a lot of debts to pay off? 

It’s easy to feel lost and depressed when you have all these financial issues weighing you down. In fact, most people will say they stress over their finances more than anything else in their life such as their work or personal life. 

But it’s never too late to change your finances. Here are the 3 things you should do right now if you want to reverse your finances:

1. Make changes to your spending habits. 

Newsflash: you will never be able to set aside enough money for your savings if you don’t make changes to your spending habits. It’s not how much you earn but how much you save, they say. Practice conscious spending. Before putting anything in your cart, make sure it is really essential to your life and something that you can use now or repeatedly in the future.

2. Keep track of your finances. 

To know how much you are really earning and how much you are spending, keep track of all incoming and outgoing money in your life. Keep a spending journal or download a budgeting app on your phone. 

3. Consult a fee only financial planner in Vancouver.

Why will this change your life? Think of a fee only financial planner in Vancouver as the doctor to your financial health. A financial planner can diagnose what is wrong with your finances and suggest solutions, so you can turn your financial life around.

Consulting a financial planner such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors can be the best thing that will happen to your financial life. 

To know more about Chalten Fee-Only Advisors in Vancouver Please visit our website:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Making Money While You Sleep – Which Passive Income Stream is the Best For You?

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will spend your whole life working.” Warren Buffet, a self-made man who built his wealth on the stock market, once said these words. It rings true now more than ever with so many of us caught in the grind of our daily 9-5. In fact, some people are already deep in debt before they even get a job with things like student loans to deal with. 

If you are tired of the same cycle of working, earning and spending, you should try looking for ways to make money while you sleep. 

Invest in the Stock Market

You buy shares of a company listed in the stock market for a low price and then trade it for a higher price later. If you are an investor, you can hold that stock when it’s still cheap and then sell it years later when its price has gone up the market.

Put Up a Business 

It takes more capital and has more risks but if you run a thriving business, that can end up giving you a lot of extra income. 

GIC Investments 

This is a risk-free way of investing our money. The only way you will lose money is if you pull out your investment before it matures, in which case, you will have to pay a fine.

Mutual Funds

Your money will be pooled together with the money of other investors to be invested in buying securities. Your mutual fund portfolio will be managed by an investment firm in Vancouver.

If you don’t know which one is the best choice for you, you can start by consulting an expert from an investment firm in Vancouver such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD. 

To know more about Chalten Fee-Only Advisors in Vancouver Please visit our website:

Monday, July 29, 2019

Can You Invest Even If You Don’t Have a Lot of Money?

One of the misconceptions people have about investing is that you need to have a lot of money to start investing. The truth is, there are a lot of investment opportunities today that do not require a big capital.

Most stock brokers today set a minimum amount for beginner investors. That minimum amount is usually accessible for average people. If you want to get started in investing in stocks, look for a broker that offers a more accessible minimum amount. You can also consider getting mutual funds or enter the Forex investment market. 

These days, it’s really not that difficult and expensive to enter the investment market, especially when you consult an investment firm in Vancouver such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD. With the help of an investment firm in Vancouver, you will know what your risk appetite is and how much money you can afford to lose to find the investment platforms that is more suitable for you.

Once you start investing, you can slowly build your investment portfolio by consistently putting money on your investment fund to be managed by investment firms. 

Of course, you shouldn’t invest if you still haven’t built your emergency fund. Many people make the mistake of investing right away without an emergency fund. In case of emergencies, they pull out their investments. 

So, don’t wait until you become rich to start investing. Know the minimum requirements of investment firms. Remember that compound interest is your best friend in investing, so the sooner you get started, the better. 

To know more about Chalten Fee-Only Advisors in Vancouver Please visit our website:

Saturday, June 29, 2019

How to Save Money When You Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck

There’s barely enough money to cover your monthly expenses. How are you going to save money this way? If you live from paycheck to paycheck, don’t be disheartened because with financial planning in Vancouver, you can still set aside a good amount of money for your savings.
We suggest doing the following strategies:
  1. Keep track of your expenses and find out where your money leaks are
Most people have money leaks here and there – money they are not aware they are spending. It can be a subscription to a magazine you only get to read once or a gym membership you are not using. It can also be overspending on groceries that only end up expiring or rotting in your fridge or pantry. Find these money leaks and you will be able to spare some more money for your savings.
  1. Set a doable goal
Having a goal increases accountability. It makes you work harder to achieve that goal. But when setting up a goal, make sure it is doable. Don’t set unrealistic goals as you will only end up disappointing yourself.
  1. Open another account for your savings
Automatically put a portion of your earnings into a separate savings account. It forces you to save money. And since you are not holding that money, you won’t miss it.
  1. Increase your earnings through side jobs
Try to increase your net worth. Take side jobs whenever you can. You can take online or home-based work.
When it comes to financial planning in Vancouver, you can get the help of Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD. Once you saved up enough money, you can start investing to multiply your savings.
To know more about Investment Firm in Vancouver Please visit our website:

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

3 Financial Mindset Shifts You Should Make for Better Control Over Money

Do you know what causes many people to fail when it comes to planning their finances? It is not mismanagement of money per se that causes them to fail but their mindset. It is how they perceive what their life should be like and what they should be having that causes many people to go into a financial ruin. 


By simply shifting your mindset, you can make big changes to your financial habits. Here are some mindset shifts that can benefit your financial health: 

1. You don’t need a lot to be happy. 

It sounds like a clichĂ© and something you can read from a self-help book. But really, there is a lot of truth to these words. Most people are in an endless pursuit of something, often times, these are material things. Once we have conquered one mountain, we find another bigger mountain to conquer. It is a never-ending cycle of pursuing something. But if you live life simply and by challenging yourself to pursue only the material things that will bring happiness and purpose to your life, you will end up not spending a lot. 

2. You don’t need to be working all the time to make money. 

Make money work for you, not the other way around. There is a thing called passive income. Nobody got rich by working a 9-5. 

3. Your finances are different from others. 

Retiring early might have worked for others but might not work for you. It is really about personalizing your financial planning. 

Assess your personal goals, your lifestyle preferences and your financial standing with the help of a financial advisor in Vancouver. Through the help of a financial advisor in Vancouver like Chalten Fee-Only Advisor LTD, you will be able to make changes to the way you handle your finances. 

To know more about Chalten Fee-Only Advisors in Vancouver Please visit our website:

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

3 Surprising Ways to Save More Money

Most of the time, all it takes is to make a few life changes in order to save more money. If you assess your current finances and determine where all that money is going, you will be able to see how much money you are actually spending on unnecessary things. 

With that in mind, here are the surprising things you can do to save more money:

1. Cut off your cable subscription. 

You would think that cable subscription (or any other subscription, for that matter), is necessary to your life but if you go without it for weeks, you will actually realize you don’t need it. Plus, there are also other forms of subscriptions that will allow you to maximize your money. An expensive cable subscription is not the answer to a fulfilling life. You might find that without it, you are able to do more meaningful activities outside the couch.

2. Cut down on eating out. Cook at home instead. 

Many of us are guilty of this. Eating out really weighs down on our finances. Instead of dining out, make a meal plan for the week and shop for the ingredients you need, so you can cook at home instead. Home-cooked meals are still better.

3. Stop all those early morning trips to your favorite cafĂ©. 

You would be surprised how much you can save by simply making your own coffee at home. 

Consulting a financial advisor in Vancouver may help you in finding more ways to save money. A financial advisor in Vancouver such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD can help you find all the money leaks in your life and how to fix them.

To know more about Chalten Fee-Only Advisors in Vancouver Please visit our website:

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

3 Things You Should Do If You Want to Have Real Wealth

The common idea of many people when it comes to wealth is having millions in their bank account. But as you acquire more wealth, you realize that there is more to wealth than just acquiring money. As you get older, you start to realize that real wealth is more holistic. It has a deeper reach into your life than you realize. If you want to have real wealth, here are the things you should do: 

1. Invest in yourself.

While it is good to diversify your investments such as buy real estate or put your money in stocks, you should also not forget yourself. Investing in yourself gives you more opportunities to learn how to expand your wealth.

You can start by buying books that will help increase your knowledge on wealth building. The most successful people spend at least 3 hours a day reading. You can also get additional education through schools or courses. 

2. Invest in your health.

Health is wealth, they say, and this couldn’t be truer. People spend so much of their time earning money that they forget to prioritize their health but when they get sick because of their hectic lifestyle, they use all their hard-earned money to restore their health. Ironic, isn’t it? 

3. Protect your wealth.

Anything can happen. You could end up getting sick or end up getting in an accident. You might lose your ability to work if these things happen. You need to prepare for these unexpected things in life because we never really know what the future holds. Start by getting insurance policies and then build an emergency fund. 

A financial advisor in Vancouver such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD will also help you in building real wealth. Look for a financial advisor in Vancouver who can help build a financial plan suitable for your personal goals.

To know more about investment firm Vancouver Please visit our website:

Monday, February 25, 2019

How Not to Feel Overwhelmed When Managing Your Investments

If you have a lot of investments, managing them can feel a bit overwhelming. By planning and strategizing the management of your investments, you will be able to yield better results. Here are some tips on how not to feel overwhelmed when managing your investments out: 
1. Let the experts help you out. 

Investing can be daunting at first. But you can make it a lot easier by relying on experts such as an investment firm in Vancouver. Aside from helping you pick investment platforms that are more tailor-fitted for your preferences, an Investment Firm in Vancouver such as Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD will also be able to help you out when it comes to making sound decisions in your investments as well as in learning how to manage them easily. Investment firms can also hep you oversee the management of your investments, so you can focus on the other aspects of your life. 

2. Use tools and applications that can help you manage your investments no matter where you are.

Many investment platforms today already have a management platform in the form of website that you can access remotely. Wherever you are, you can monitor the results of your investments. This makes it easier to formulate careful decisions when it comes to how you will proceed with your investments.

3. Make a list of the things you need to do. 

Start your day by itemizing all the things you need to do. Prioritize the pressing things you need to do and focus on accomplishing them. By seeing which ones need to be prioritized, you will be able to have clearer goals, which will enable you to accomplish more.

If you try these tips, you should be able to oversee your investments and avoid feeling burdened in managing them.

To know more about Fee only financial planner Vancouver Please visit our website:

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Financial Planning is Not Just a Fad, It’s a Way of Life

The first mistake people make when it comes to financial planning in Vancouver is treating it as a temporary thing – that they can just do it for a couple of months or until they have managed to achieve their financial goals and then go back to their usual habits.

But Financial Planning in Vancouver is not a fad. It should be a way of life. You should leave and breathe with it. Every step you take should be controlled by your financial goals. This is why you should create a financial plan that is sustainable.

A sustainable financial plan means you can use it for a long time. It works with your goals and your daily needs. Don’t make the mistake of setting goals that are too high and too impossible to reach.

Many people also tend to follow financial planning trends that are not aligned with their goals just because everyone else is doing it. Such is the case when it comes to investing on stocks. Stocks investment is a good step but only if you know how to do it and you have room for it in your budget. If you don’t have room for it in your budget, you could end up losing money you can’t afford to lose in the first place.

Consult a financial expert from Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD if you want to integrate sustainable financial planning in your life. Through the help of a financial planner, you can identify the problem areas in your finances and create solutions that you can carry out long-term.

To know more about Investment Firm in Vancouver Please visit our website:

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

How to Have an Exciting Lifestyle Even When on a Budget

In this day and age where people live by the words “You Only Live Once”, being on a budget can seem like a boring plan. After all, money makes the world go round and without it, you might not be able to do a lot of exciting things.

However, it is entirely possible to live a happy and exciting life even when you aren’t spending all your money. Here are the ways on how you can do that:

1. Opt for activities that you can do for free.
List down the things you can do for free such as visit a park or a beachside area. You can spend the day doing outdoor things without spending a lot of money. Not only will you be able to spend more money, these activities can be good for your soul as well.

2. Cook at home instead of eating out.

Many people become bankrupt because they spend so much money in dining out. Restaurants can put a high price tag on food. Most of the food you can eat at restaurants can be recreated at home. It just takes a bit more effort, but you will save more money this way. If you like a change of scenery, you can cook at home, pack it and eat it at a park or by the beach.

3. Set long-term goals and reward yourself when you achieve them.

Remind yourself of your long-term goals. It will motivate you to live simply. For instance, you can set aside money for a dream vacation. You might be on a budget now but that is a small price to pay for the experiences you can get on your vacation.

Let a Financial Advisor in Vancouver help you out in setting a more realistic financial plan. A financial advisor in Vancouver from Chalten Fee-Only Advisors LTD can help you discover ways on how to make your budget work for you.

To know more about Investment Firm in Vancouver Please visit our website: