Wednesday, May 29, 2019

3 Financial Mindset Shifts You Should Make for Better Control Over Money

Do you know what causes many people to fail when it comes to planning their finances? It is not mismanagement of money per se that causes them to fail but their mindset. It is how they perceive what their life should be like and what they should be having that causes many people to go into a financial ruin. 


By simply shifting your mindset, you can make big changes to your financial habits. Here are some mindset shifts that can benefit your financial health: 

1. You don’t need a lot to be happy. 

It sounds like a cliché and something you can read from a self-help book. But really, there is a lot of truth to these words. Most people are in an endless pursuit of something, often times, these are material things. Once we have conquered one mountain, we find another bigger mountain to conquer. It is a never-ending cycle of pursuing something. But if you live life simply and by challenging yourself to pursue only the material things that will bring happiness and purpose to your life, you will end up not spending a lot. 

2. You don’t need to be working all the time to make money. 

Make money work for you, not the other way around. There is a thing called passive income. Nobody got rich by working a 9-5. 

3. Your finances are different from others. 

Retiring early might have worked for others but might not work for you. It is really about personalizing your financial planning. 

Assess your personal goals, your lifestyle preferences and your financial standing with the help of a financial advisor in Vancouver. Through the help of a financial advisor in Vancouver like Chalten Fee-Only Advisor LTD, you will be able to make changes to the way you handle your finances. 

To know more about Chalten Fee-Only Advisors in Vancouver Please visit our website:


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